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  • Marika Joubert

Marika Joubert

Marika obtained a BA (Ed) Fine Arts degree from the University of Pretoria in 1989 and won a merit award at the Sasol New Signatures in the same year. In 1990 she pursued postgraduate studies, specialising in printmaking. She was a teacher at a number of schools for the next 19 years. She regularly participated in group exhibitions during this period. She resigned from teaching in 2010 to focus on being a full-time artist. She was planning to open a studio at her home in 2012. 

Marika passed away on 10 January 2012.

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Marike Joubert Changing hair and waiting

Changing hair and waiting – Marika Joubert

Marike Joubert Self-portrait

Self-portrait – Marika Joubert

Marike Joubert Undress

Undress – Marika Joubert

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