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Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie graduated with a BA (FA) Information Design degree from the University of Pretoria in 1988. Since 1988 she has worked as graphic designer, public relations practitioner and as lecturer. She has presented art classes and got involved in many forms of art. 

Her love for and keen interest in natural textiles, dyes, handwork, and subversive stitching developed over a long period and she took a series of master classes to expand her knowledge and skills of textile art. Since 2014 she has been practising textile art full time, working towards a sometimes complex narrative. For Lienie the complexity of the media fascinates her because the concept, the journey and end result are never the same. Sometimes she incorporates old/antique crochet and embroidery pieces. 

Please click on the artwork image for more information
Lienie van der Westhuizen Silenced

Silenced – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Silenced

Silenced – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie Van Der Westhuizen I-Have-Lived

I have lived -Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Scatterlings-of-thought

Scatterlings of thought – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Scatterlings-of-thought

Scatterlings of thought – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Unravelled

Unravelled – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen The-Stones,

The Stones – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen The-monkeys

The Flying Monkeys – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Order-in-the-chaos

Order in the chaos – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Know-you-are-here

Know you are here – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Lienie van der Westhuizen Never-again

Never again – Lienie van der Westhuizen

Greyrock – Lienie van der Westhuizen

© 2022 Another Time Another Place Exhibition Consortium.

All artists and authors own the copyright of their individual works featured on this website. No image or texts may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recorded, photocopied, graphic, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Another Time, Another Place project team.