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  • Gerda Guldemond

Gerda Guldemond

Gerda graduated with a BA Fine Arts degree in 1989 from the University of Pretoria where she majored in Printmaking. In 1994 she received a MA Fine Arts, majoring in Printmaking, from the North-West University. She also completed a diploma in Museum Studies at the University of Pretoria in 1993.

She participated in various group exhibitions and art competitions. In September 2001 Gerda joined the Pretoria Art Museum where she is the curator responsible for the collection of artworks on paper. She has since curated numerous national and international exhibitions. As a printmaker, Gerda works in etching, monoprints and mixed media. 

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Gerda Guldemond - Herbesoek

Herbesoek – Gerda Guldemond

Gerda Guldemond- Passer melanurus – Mossie maar Man

Passer melanurus – Mossie maar Man – Gerda Guldemond

Gerda Guldemond - Suikerbekkie

Suikerbekkie – Gerda Guldemond

Gerda Guldemond- Swart Suikerbekkie

Swart Suikerbekkie – Gerda Guldemond

Gerda Guldemond- Untitled

Untitled – Gerda Guldemond

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