Dirk Oegema

Dirk studied Fine Art at the University of Pretoria and received a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History of Art in 1997, and Museum and Heritage Studies (Honours) in 2001. He began working at the Pretoria Art Museum in 1997 as curator of artworks on paper and later as curator of paintings. He has gained extensive expertise of all museum, art, cultural and heritage matters and has 24 years’ experience in museum management.

Dirk is presently the functional head of the City of Tshwane Museum Services which includes the Pretoria Art Museum, Melrose House Museum, Fort Klapperkop Heritage Site, Centurion Art Gallery and Saulsville Arena.

Please click on the artwork image for more information
Dirk Oegema 3 Jane

3Jane – Dirk Oegema

Dirk Oegema Get It While You Can

Get it while you can – Dirk Oegema

Dirk Oegema HsG

HsG 2021 – Dirk Oegema

Dirk Oegema Handwritten Poetry

Handwritten – Dirk Oegema

© 2022 Another Time Another Place Exhibition Consortium.

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