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  • Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs

Celeste obtained a BA(Ed) Fine Arts degree in 1989 and a BA Honours (Art History) in 1990, both from the University of Pretoria. She proceeded to head several art departments at schools in Pretoria. In 2003 she moved to Mbombela and ran an art studio and gallery from her home. Her role in education is inseparable from her personal art practice and she continues to teach and present workshops. She is currently also head of Visual Arts at Curro College Nelspruit, Mbombela.

Celeste’s passion for ancient mythological tales and fables rooted in nature manifests itself repeatedly as the spiritual element in her work.

Please click on the artwork image for more information
Celeste Higgs Dreams

Dreams – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation

Highveld tessellation – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 1

Highveld tessellation 1 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 2

Highveld tessellation 2 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 3

Highveld tessellation 3 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 4

Highveld tessellation 4 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 5

Highveld tessellation 5 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 6

Highveld tessellation 6 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 7

Highveld tessellation 7 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 8

Highveld tessellation 8 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Highveld Tesselation 9

Highveld tessellation 9 – Celeste Higgs

Celeste Higgs Lowveld Forest

Lowveld forest – Celeste Higgs

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All artists and authors own the copyright of their individual works featured on this website. No image or texts may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recorded, photocopied, graphic, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Another Time, Another Place project team.